
I love this time, when in the midst of night
Tomorrow still hasn’t taken flight
Today hasn’t completely died away
Yet, aeons apart seem memories of yesterday

I love this time, when all is bathed in black
My little room dimly lit, the darkness glares back
Bright lights of the day have all but slowly drowned
The sky decorated with stars, with the moon crowned

I love this time, when all is quiet
A contrast to the long routine riot
Photo Courtesy: Kumar Jhuremalani
Left alone, I do as my heart pleases
Encouraged by the wispy, cool breezes

I love this time, when every eye is rested
And, I’m awake, alone, alive – emancipated
Undisturbed I am, with no one to pry
Yet secure, that they will awaken with my cry

And I love this time, as I sit peacefully,
Gathering my thoughts in a heap
Dreams await me, beckoning me...
Yet, I refuse to give in to sleep

The Story of a Tear

Note: I am not upset, depressed, sad or suicidal, quite the contrary in fact! I'm very much in my can't-stop-smiling mode and intend to stay in that happy place for sometime now... The inspiration for this poem is something as small and insignificant as a speck of dust (literally!) and not some grave personal tragedy... So, enjoy, i guess..!

The tiny seed of doubt
That makes me hesitant, unsure
The inexplicable wave of jealousy
That makes me restless, insecure

The deep rooted, seething anger
That I keep carefully controlled
The hurt, long forgiven but not forgotten
That’s well hidden, but waiting to unfold

The suppressed scream, quiet shout
The little sliver of regret
The questions to which I find no answers
The little worries that make me fret

Tiny bits of feeling, powerful enough to overwhelm
Unseen, but take form in a tiny tear
That slips out from the corner of my eye
And slowly travels down my cheek
It doesn’t stop till all emotions have run dry
As I weep, I sob, I cry...


Note: the following post is purely fictional. Any resemblance to any characters or situations in my life is purely coincidental and highly imaginative!

You keep your distance and drive me completely crazy

Yet even the uncertain knowledge of your return makes me calm
I’m independent, but nothing more than a puppet in your palm

The slightest smile makes my words fumble and fall
Yet the smallest twitch of your lips can inspire rhymes
I’m sensible, but with you I’ve lost my mind countless times

Even the mere fleeting feel of your fingers makes my bones melt
But that same tiny touch can warm my heart and comfort my mind
I’m strong, but with you around to all reason I turn blind

You can make me angry, screaming mad
And, you can make me depressed, achingly sad
You are nothing like “THE ONE” from my dreams
But you’re all I need, it seems
Coz only you can say the right words, worries put to ease
And only you can make me laugh, in carefree release

Are you the answer to my prayers?
Or has reality turned to nightmares?
How can you feel so right, when I know you’re wrong?
This is such a contradiction – do you and I belong?

You hold the power to completely break me
But only you can piece me together
I know I can’t live without you
If only I can figure out how to tolerate you forever!