The Perfect Vase - Someone Somewhere is Made For You!

“Someone somewhere is made for you” – a cliché that has been the theme of many a mushy movie, an idea that has inspired several soppy stories, a wistful promise that many of us unknowingly hold onto…The cliché further inspires another stereotype – that elusive “someone” who is in hiding “somewhere” but is yet perfectly “made for you” always conjures up romantic reveries. The tall-dark-and-handsome; the damsel-in-distress; the strong-and-silent.

When, however, this age-old truism is rationally analysed, what it reflects is the basic concept of compatibility. It conveys a hope that there is in fact one person, in this multitude of millions, who complements and completes you. So who has defined criteria for such people? Why is it that in most cases this dictat is linked to romance?

Quite often that mysterious “someone” could be a person one has always known – a parent, a friend, a relative, a neighbour, a pet… Like, for example, when we set out in search of that perfect vase – the one you’ve always dreamed of – the one that you’ve always pictured in your mind as being ideal for that spot on the mantle. You set out in search of that elusive vase and return disappointed because you find not a single piece of ceramic or metal that meets your notion of that perfect vase. Then one day, while you are rummaging through stuff you already own, you stumble upon this ornate picture frame – a long forgotten gift. A gift that now seems, to your eyes, so pretty and amazing that you cannot imagine why you ever thought less of it. You turn it around in your hands, holding it carefully, like someone would cradle a new-born or a rare solitaire, and revel in its ornate exquisiteness. And just as a sudden shaft of light brightens the darkest of corners, realisation dawns on you, and you walk up to the mantle and delicately arrange the frame there, your mind has already absorbed the perfect fit and is now imagining which lucky picture would be brought to life in the magnificence of that lovely frame, once just a casual part of your existence but now the light of your home and joy of your heart!!!

On the other hand, that “someone” may not be readymade for you – one may have to tailor the relationship as it comes along... Like, for instance, the skilled mason who brings to your home his incredible skill and expertise yet listens to your every whim and fancy about the vase you wish to have. He offers his advice and sometimes you take it. Sometimes you don’t and he gives in. Finally he moulds the clay and brings to you the vase – you take one look at it and know that YES! This is it! Your proposal and his proficiency, your vision and his work, your heart and his hands – a few compromises, some synergy and Voila! We have the perfect Vase!!!

And a few may find an instant match…Someone who understands you to the deepest recesses of your mind and heart… like that perfect vase you find unexpectedly, the one you’ve always dreamed of to adorn your house, the one that you know will fit so perfectly on the mantle and will blend into the fabric of your home so seamlessly yet its inherent beauty will make it stand out from the rest of the furniture and ornaments that bedeck your house. The perfect vase, the one with the stunning curves, painted that perfect deep shade of red, with an intricate design carved into its smooth surface oh! So delicately! The perfect vase, the one that enlivens the atmosphere around you, that charges the air with an inescapable energy, the one that brightens your day, the one whose vibrant hues fill your heart and home with happiness, that perfect vase – with a deep shade of red, a red that stands for passion and symbolises a never ending love!

At the end of it all, it really does not matter who your soulmate is – just the knowledge and discovery of that one special person who understands you to the depths of your heart. I do hope that each of us find ourselves our own Perfect Vases and when that happens, to borrow lines from a famous movie (Stop! Or my Mom will Shoot), – reach out and grab the person with both hands and don’t let go! May you find the “someone somewhere who is made for you” –and may you live happily ever after!

1 comment:

  1. totally agree wit yu .. ther is no perfect some1... its how yu take ur relationship forward wit a person to make it perfect ...
